Tim Menzies has
been working on advanced modelling and artificial intelligence since 1986. A former research chair for NASA, he
received his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and
is the author of 200+ refereed papers. Dr.
Menzies is an associate professor at the West Virginia University's Lane Dept. of CS&EE. He currently serves
as the chair of the steering committee of the PROMISE conference on repeatable
software engineering experiments and will be PC co-chair for IEEE ASE 2012. For
more information, visit his web page at
Thomas Zimmermann is a researcher at Microsoft Research and an adjunct professor at the
University of Calgary His research focuses on systematic mining of software
repositories to conduct empirical studies and to build new tools. He
co-organized a working session on Myths in Software Engineering, the DEFECTS
workshops (2008 and 2009) as well as the RSSE workshops on recommender systems
(2008 and 2010). He served as PC co-chair for the MSR conference on mining
software repositories (MSR 2010 and 2011). For more information, visit